welcome to H.D. Public School

Fees Deposit

School dues must be paid by 10th of every month.

Late fee fine of Rs. 5/- per day, will be charged up to 20th of the due month.

If fee is not deposited up to 20th of the due month, the name of the defaulter will be struck off.

Fee for the month of May & June is to be paid in May & for the month of February & March is to paid in February

A fine of Rs. 10 per day, for absence/ without permission will be charged from class II to X students.

If any student remains absent from the School, without any reason/information for 6 days, his/ her name will be struck off.

If re-admission is sought, Re-admission fee of Rs. 500/- will have to be paid.

If a student takes admission late, during the session, fee will be charged from 1st April.